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Invoking API Methods

In order to interact with the Telegram API, CatraProto exposes API methods in the Api property in the TelegramClient class.

Calling the methods

Methods follow the same namespacing as they are defined in the TL scheme provided by Telegram. Of course, cancellation is supported by providing a CancellationToken.

For example, calling messages.sendMessage looks like this:

await _client.Api.CloudChatsApi.Messages.SendMessageAsync(...);

As you may have noticed, the method not only contains Async at the end of it, but it is actually inside the CloudChatsApi property. This is because we need to differenciate between the MTProto API (not exposed to the user) and the future SecretChats API.

Invokation of methods that require authorization

Usually, each method that requires authorization (i.e. being logged in as a user/bot) is postponed until the login process is complete.

There are some exceptions, for now, the only method which returns UnauthorizedUserError is Users.GetSelfAsync()

Retrieving results

Each method returns its result through RpcResponse<T>. If a method returns a List (or Vector, in the TL) the return type will be RpcResponse<RpcVector<T>> (RpcVector<T> inherits from List<T>).

RpcResponse exposes the following properties:

  • RpcCallFailed, true when an error was returned by the API or the message failed to send.
  • Error, returns an instance of RpcError describing the error occured.
  • Response, returns the response by the API.

Exceptions are raised in the following cases:

  • When the request was completed successfully (meaning that no RpcError was returned) and the Error property is used an InvalidOperationException is thrown.
  • When the request was not completed successfully and the Response property is used a RpcException containing an RpcError is thrown.

The second is more of a not recommended feature for people who want to handle rpc errors using exceptions. The use of exceptions is discouraged as they are slow and make the code harder to read.

Example of correct usage:

var apiCall = await _client.Api.CloudChatsApi.Messages.SendMessageAsync(PeerId.FromPeer(message.PeerId), "Hello user! This is a reply to your message", replyToMsgId: message.Id);
if (apiCall.RpcCallFailed)
    // We log the error as there isn't much we can do except analyze the problem in a later moment
    _logger.Error("Couldn't reply to the user because the following error occurred: {Error}", apiCall.Error);

// Do what we want with the result or ignore it
var result = apiCall.Response;

Handling errors

To provide a cleaner API, CatraProto parses known errors and provides a simple API to interact with them. If an error is not known to CatraProto, you will receive an instance of UnknownError.

An example of such error is FloodWaitError which exposes the WaitTime property.


if (apiCall.RpcCallFailed)
    if (apiCall.Error is FloodWaitError error)
        _logger.Error("Couldn't reply to the user because the API requires a wait time of {Time} seconds", error.WaitTime.TotalSeconds);
        _logger.Error("Couldn't reply to the user because the following error occurred: {Error}", apiCall.Error);

RpcError also overloads ToString(). The error is printed in the following format: [Code][Message][Description].

Simplified API

CatraProto tries to simplify the API as much as possible allowing you not to care about implementation details such as a peer database.

This is done by using the PeerId struct, exposing long directly for IDs where possible, and making some parameters optional.

An in-depth look at how CatraProto simplifies the API

For example, for each method that requires a InputPeer an overload is generated to simplify the API and allow you to use the PeerId struct. You can see it in the EventHandler example.

An example of simplified method is messages.sendMessage. This is its TL definition:

messages.sendMessage#d9d75a4 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true noforwards:flags.14?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> schedule_date:flags.10?int send_as:flags.13?InputPeer = Updates;

This is how the methods is converted:

Task<RpcResponse<UpdatesBase>> SendMessageAsync(PeerId peer, string message, bool noWebpage = false, bool silent = false, bool background = false, bool clearDraft = false, bool noforwards = false, int? replyToMsgId = null, long? randomId = null, CatraProto.Client.TL.Schemas.CloudChats.ReplyMarkupBase? replyMarkup = null, List<CatraProto.Client.TL.Schemas.CloudChats.MessageEntityBase>? entities = null, int? scheduleDate = null, PeerId? sendAs = null, CatraProto.Client.Connections.MessageScheduling.MessageSendingOptions? messageSendingOptions = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Here’s a list of changes:

  • The flags parameter was removed as it is handled by CatraProto.
  • The InputPeer type was replaced by PeerId. This means that CatraProto will also automatically fetch all the data it needs about the peer to send the message.
  • The random_id parameter was made nullable. It is handled by CatraProto but the user can still specify a value for it if they want.

What is MessageSendingOptions?

You may have noticed that almost every method has a messageSendingOptions parameter. As of now, this is useless but it will be used in the future to define custom settings.