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Initializing the library

Now that the settings were configured properly and the logger is created we can initialize the client.

Instanciating the client

The TelegramClient constructor takes two arguments, the first takes a ClientSettings instance and the second takes a logger.

var client = new TelegramClient(settings, logger);

Setting the event handler

After having declared our event handler we must set it by calling client.SetEventHandler(). If this method is called when an event handler is already set it will throw an InvalidOperationException.


client.SetEventHandler(new EventHandler(client));

Initialize the client

After creating the instance, we can use the client.InitClientAsync() method to initialize and start up the library.

This method returns a ClientState enum which represents the following states:

  • Working, when the session file was read successfully.
  • Corrupted, this means the session file is corrupted. The session must be recreated and the login operation must be performed again.


var state = await client.InitClientAsync();

Saving information

At any time, the session can be manually saved by calling client.ForceSaveAsync();.

Disposing the client

In order to properly shutdown, the instance must be disposed.
You can do this, by declaring the instance with await using:

await using var client = new TelegramClient(settings, logger);

Or by manually calling client.DiposeAsync()

await client.DisposeAsync();

Warning: Before disposing the client it is recommended to save the session in order not to lose the current updates state and other important information.